Parent Coach

Solutions for parents of struggling teens and young adults



 Parent Coach



Guiding parents of teens and young adults facing emotional struggles

Hi, I'm Carolyn 


I'm a parent coach, and I'm here to help you transform your teen and young adult's emotional crisis.  

Are you ready to:

  • Stabilize the situation?
  • Create a clear plan that puts your child and family on the right track?
  • Obtain the support and rest you need to persevere?
  • Collaborate with your partner as teammates, rather than as rivals?
  • Figure out what really matters to you?


Let's get started. Your family's potential is waiting to be unearthed.

Get the support you need. Be the parent they need.


Are your children struggling with:  

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Failure to launch
  • Cutting and self harm
  • Risky Behaviors
  • Sleep disorders
  • ADHD
  • OCD
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Addiction

Parenting has never been more difficult


I know personally how difficult it is. I want to assure you that you're not alone. This generation of kids is struggling and so are we, as their parents. The normal challenges of transitioning into adulthood have become an onslaught colliding with unrelenting technology, existential fears of school shootings and climate change, covid upheaval, and a modern pace that is taxing the upper limits of the human nervous system.


With the right approach, you can transform this crisis into opportunity

Testimonials for Carolyn Kubena  



“Carolyn’s holistic work far surpasses traditional talk therapy. The tools I learned helped me manage my anxiety and build healthier relationships. I am forever grateful for the gems I uncovered that empowered me to put my family on the better track and to finally become the mother I always knew I could be.”


"Carolyn is able to cut through all the drama and chaos right into the heart of the matter, creating needed clarity, especially during a crisis.  And she does so in a loving and supportive way. I feel blessed to have been supported by her over the last few years." 


“Carolyn's work totally changed my life. She helped me to start living, not just surviving everyday. The time with her was full of deep insights, aha moments, empathy, and support.” 

Nice to meet you!

Hi, I'm Carolyn and I've been in your shoes. As a proud mother of a daughter who has overcome emotional challenges, I bring a deep understanding and empathy to what you are going through. I know what it’s like to feel stunned and panicked, desperately searching for answers. 

I've been there. I've found solutions. And I'm here to help. 

Over a decade ago, our family's crisis motivated me to change careers. I began working in the mental health field and embarked on a journey to integrate psychology and neurobiology with mind/body methods and Eastern wisdom traditions. 

And do you know what I learned? That there are easily teachable skills and techniques that you, as a parent, can use to address immediate risks, minimize damage, and help your children recover and function to the best of their abilities. 

You and your family have an opportunity to flourish in unimaginable ways. Let's get started!


Learn more about Carolyn

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